Beyond the Early Warning System

See the latest and most important data about your students on a single page with Analytics.


Analytics answers your student performance questions.

Who needs help?

Instantly see your students who are—or might be—in need of interventions with Early Warning System reports using the most current data. Key performance indicators for academic, attendance, and behavior are factored in with your thresholds to provide insights that make sense for your students.

Who is chronically absent?

Whether you define chronic absenteeism as anything less than a 90% attendance rate, or more than 10 unexcused absences, or even too many tardies – it’s at your fingertips, every day.

Tackle Chronic Absenteeism >

Who’s going to the office?

Or who is just acting up? See major and minor behavior issues at a glance and thresholds you set for who is at risk for any metric – be it suspensions or just the level of incidents.

What are the right interventions?

With color-coding of data and peer comparisons across class, school, and district, you can quickly determine the direction and focal point for intervention and support for individual students and student groups.

Implement the Right Interventions >

Are our interventions working?

Filter, group, pivot, chart, slice and dice, compare and contrast… analyze your data in almost any way you might think to answer the questions you haven’t thought about.

The whole student, one page.

Compare all relevant data for a single student or a group of students in a single report. Need to see the details? No problem, drill down to see more data about a data point and observe longitudinal changes.

Really See Your Students >

Love it. Share it.

Save the views you want to keep and share them with your team.

Transform Student Data into Decision and Action

new students are connected in minutes with Integrator
Data Collection

Student data resides in an ever-growing list of disconnected 3rd party software systems.  With Integrator we bring it all together to quickly automate the previously manual process of extracting data. You will always be working with up-to-date information… without any effort.

Integrator can delete or archive student data
Data Warehouse

Analytics organizes data so that multiple categories of multi-year data can be utilized to see the complete picture of factors affecting student success.  Our advanced data models have been built to enable Educators the ability to analyze student performance from many vantage points.

Integrator automatically updates student data changes
Data Visualization & Reports

Analytic‘s employs advanced grid technologies that allow users the ability to organize, sort, filter and preserve their data views to gain and share new insights with peers. Along with this comes the ability to isolate on subgroups of students for better teaching efficiencies and tracking.

Integrator can delete or archive student data
Support for Education Frameworks

Educators and Educational Researchers continue to develop innovative frameworks for the management of student performance.  ReadWrite Digital’s applications are designed to support the frameworks that our customers wish to deploy.  Analytics supports frameworks through libraries of reports and analytics which can be extended as frameworks are developed.

Integrator automatically updates student data changes
Support for Interventions

Schools in over 40 states utilize a form of the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework to manage student performance.  Analytics supports schools employing MTSS frameworks through a library of data reports and analytics that allow educators to identify those students that are “On track”, “At-risk”, “Off track”, or “High off track”.  We color code data values so you can easily spot risk factors.  Analytics supports multiple years of longitudinal data so that progress over time insights can be determined.

Integrator can delete or archive student data
Standard Data Categories

Formative Assessments
Interim Assessments
Summative Assessments

Integrator automatically updates student data changes
Early Warning System

Analytics supports Early Warning System (EWS) risk factors through a configurable algorithm that can consider multiple categories of data to arrive at risk level assessments.  The EWS tracks and can determine which Tier a student should be grouped.

Integrator can delete or archive student data
Privacy & Security

ReadWrite Digital goes beyond FERPA and COPPA to ensure the privacy of your student data with encryption and integration with you district user management. We never sell your data and never share your data with unauthorized third parties.

Are you ready for total EWS?


We’re totally ready to help.