Types of data views

Live and timely data and analytics, not just static reports

A standard implementation of ReadWrite Digital Analytics comes with five major types of data views which can be used as is but also as the basis for creating your own view of student performance data. There are three important characteristics of these data views:

  • All data and statistics provided in these data views, and any custom view you build from them, are refreshed on a daily basis by default. This means you can expect the information you are viewing is current as of the prior school day. This is one reason we refer to them as “data views” versus “reports” because the data is live and updating all the time.
  • All views include all current student demographic, attendance, and behavior data. This means you can always evaluate student performance for any group of students you are most interested in and see all the data you want, but only the data you want.
  • Three years of data, when available from your organization, are included in all views by default. Performance data is presented in reverse chronological order (left to right) and subject area aligned as appropriate. This enables longitudinal analysis using any data view. While a three-year lookback is standard, your organization may have more or fewer years of data in its standard views. 

The 5 major data views are:

  1. Student Roster. The student roster gives you an overview of general student demographic, attendance and behavior data which is also available in all other data views. With the student roster, you can also verify the students for which you have performance data access. If you don’t see a student in your roster you expect, contact your support team.
  2. All Scores. There are two variations of All Scores, one for primary students and another for secondary students. This view is exactly what it says it is:  all student performance data on a single page. This view of the data allows for subject-level comparison of performance across multiple measures. For example, you may be interested in seeing how grade, interim and summative assessment results compare for a student or a group of students. The All Scores view is a great place to do that.
  3. Early Warning. There are three variations of Early Warning: elementary, middle, and high school. This provides an Early Warning System (EWS) view of your student data with aggregations of performance data of interest to your organization. For example, the default EWS view includes an indicator of students who are on track, off track, or at risk based on calculations of student performance in core courses in combination with attendance and behavior metrics.
  4. Peer Comparison. For every type of performance data configured for your organization (e.g. grades, interim assessments, reading assessments, etc), a peer comparison data view will be available. These views provide a deeper dive into details of each type of performance data along with calculated statistics so you can see how students compare to their peers in the classroom, school, and district as appropriate.
  5. Student Profile. Every student has an individual profile page that includes their current demographic data and a view of their performance data with all applicable data views mentioned here, but with only that student’s data.