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Education Data & Leadership News
Realizing what K-12 leadership and data culture can be.
10 Reasons Why Your SIS to Active Directory Sync Isn’t Working for Your School
When IT teams truly automate syncing their SIS to AD, they reduce learning loss.
The Difference It Makes To K-12 Schools When Manual Tasks Go Digital
A conversation with a customer reveals how data integration can significantly improve your workflow and make your data more useful.
2X Collaboration: Taking Shared Leadership and Collaboration to New Levels
A systemic, shared vision that is constantly inculcated in every aspect of the instructional day is the engine that will drive major collaboration and change.
What School Cafeterias Can Teach Us About Student Performance Analytics
Applying the efficiency concepts of school cafeterias to student data management.
Monitoring Virtual Attendance in Your Schools During the COVID Era
Use your data to overcome attendance challenges and get a better picture of what’s really happening.
Class in School and Class at Home: The Dual Platform Challenge
Education leaders are studying options for the opening of school in the fall which will require districts and communities to look at new uses of time and space to ensure safety for students and staff.